All-In-One MIDI Bundle | 3000 Chord Progressions
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There are many MIDI packs out there, and I’ve tried them all.
No wonder, NONE of them is made by someone which music is actually listened by millions of people.
These MIDIs are created by Gold Producer Tom Trigger, which is a certified holder of not one Gold Records, but TWO Gold Records made in the last year only!
And you can hear that in these MIDIs. These are the best musical starting point on the internet today, period.
And if these don’t change the way you make music in a profound way, just send us an email and we’ll refund all your money.
•EDM Progressions
•LATIN Progressions
•TRAP Progressions
•POP Progressions
•JAZZ Progressions
•POP Songs Suite
•MIDI Chord Pack
•SKULLS Drums Lite